Balanced tires are vital to safe driving. When the
tires are out of balance, they place stress on the shocks, bearings and
other parts of the wheel assembly. You should normally let an expert
balance your tires, as improper tire alignment
can cause considerable damage. If you know cars, however, and have
the basic equipment, you can balance tires in just a few steps.
1 Remove any previous wheel weights which may be present on the wheel.
They complicate the issue and make it harder to balance the tire. You
can do it, but it entails a bit of a hassle.
2 Place the tire and wheel on the balancer by inserting the shaft
through the wheel hub and securing it in place. Make sure the wheel is
as centered as possible on the balancer, though it doesn't need to be
3 Spin the wheel gently in the tire balancer.
You will notice the heaviest part of the wheel being drawn to the
bottom and the lightest part to the top. Allow it to settle in that
position, then mark the lightest part on the tire with a piece of
chalk. Repeat the process to make sure you've marked the correct spot.
4 Attach the wheel weights, adhesive side first to the part of the
wheel just below the spot on the tire you just marked. This should
counter the imbalance in the tire.
5 Move the wheel so that the weighted part is in the 3 o'clock
position. Release the wheel. If it rolls clockwise so that the
weighted position is on the bottom, you've added too much weight. If
it rolls back up to the top, then you haven't added enough.
6 Continue adding or subtracting wheel weights from the marked
location until you have attained the right balance. The weights should
remain in the 3 o'clock position naturally, without spinning either
up or down.
7 Secure the wheel weights to the wheel a little
further by using duct tape or similar adhesives. The adherent used in
wheel weights is not usually very strong and can use some help in
staying where it is supposed to.
8 Remount the wheel to the car, taking care that the lug nuts are secure.
Tag: wheel balancing, car wheel balancer, Tire Balance Machines