A hose reel
stores a garden hose in a neat housing when not in use. This keeps the
hose from destroy & the hose owner from injury, because the hose is
not snaking across the yard to be tripped over or mangled with a
lawnmower. A hand crank on the side of the reel makes it simple to wind
up the hose for storage. Afterward, the hose reel can be moved to a
corner of the yard or slid behind some shrubbery near the outside wall
faucet where it remains out of sight until it is needed again.
Connect the hose to the outside wall faucet by threading the brass hose
nozzle counter-clockwise on the faucet. Turn on the water by twisting
the faucet knob counter-clockwise.
2 Open the cover on the hose reel by lifting straight up to pull out the end of the garden hose.
3 Peel the hose from the reel as far as necessary to reach the desired length for spraying the hose.
4 Turn the crank handle on the side of the hose reel counter-clockwise to retrieve the hose and coil it back on the spool inside the reel when finished watering the garden or lawn.
5 Shut off the water to the hose by turning the faucet knob clockwise.
Tips & Warnings
the hose from the wall faucet when the temperature dips below freezing
(32 F or 0 C). This prevents the pipe from cracking.