
Which Lift Is Best for You?

The decision generally comes down to price and purpose.

In terms of purpose, you have to decide if you’re more interested in storing or repairing your vehicle.

If you want to regularly service your car, a 2 post lift is the right choice.

Although you could also use a 2 post lift to store your cars, it will unload your vehicle’s suspension because it doesn’t support the wheels. What’s more, it can take a few tries to spot your vehicle on a 2 post lift.

If you want a lift for reliable storage, a 4 post lift is the right choice and can still be used for service.

You can get the best of both worlds by purchasing a 4 post lift and a separate sliding jack. In terms of price, the two can be bundled to save cost.

If you’re struggling to decide, visit a garage lift expert. See the products that interest you and ask questions. This way, you’ll find a lift that perfectly meets your needs.

automotive lift manufacturer, car lift wholesaler, vehicle lift supplier: http://www.chinapuli.com/Lift/

